29 june – 1 july 2023
30 august – 1 september 2023
10 september 2023
13 october – 15 october 2023
24 november – 26. november 2023
σῶμα, ancient greek:
the body of humans and animals
as a sound whole
‚The earth gives us more self knowledge than every book,
because she offers resistance to us.‘
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Do you wish to experience your body and the body of horses in a state of peace and thankfulness?
Do you want to reset your feeling, practice self healing and exchange positive energy with other beings?
Do you need time and space to come back where you belong, into your body as a sound whole?
‚It is the horse’s gift to connect us with Heaven and our own footsteps.‘
Ronni Sweet
Every somapony has it’s own story to tell, many of them came to us as survivers and started a new life at our place. That’s why respect and mindfulness are of utmost importance for us when we work with them. They take part in our workshops as personalities to communicate with, not as objects to use.
Our four-legged co-teachers are natural bodywork professionals. Their talent for self healing, for living in the now and connecting instantly to energies they recognize as empowering, makes them wonderful companions for humans who seek self development. Besides they are soft, warm and honest which tends to bring out the best in us.